How Meditation Changed My Life ?

3 min readFeb 10, 2023


Meditation is an ancient practice which roots are lie belong thousands of years. And it comes with different kind of forms. There is no just a one true way to do it. Meditation is not a new practice but its benefits are getting to understand for just a few decades with the help of the modern technology. According to experts, it is certainly known that meditation affects your brain and body in a positive way.

In some beliefs, meditation is used in religious practices, however you do not have to be religious to do it. It has a lot of different ways to do it. Here are some various practices of meditation:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: It is about being aware of whatever is happening around you. It’s about being at that moment and realizing your body and soul, not being worried about the past and the future.
  2. Mantra Meditation: Mantra can be a specific figure, sound or phrase. In this of form of meditation, you just simply focus on the mantra that you have chosen.
  3. Body-Centered Meditation: In this form, you are scanning your body while having deep and controlled breaths.
  4. Emotion-Centered Meditation: In this form of meditation, you simply focus on a specific emotion.
  5. Meditation with Movement: It can involve focusing on breathing, holding your breath or performing body movements. Yoga is also a form of meditation with movement.

My first attemption to meditation was two years ago while the pandemic has broken. With the sudden arrival of the pandemic, we were in quarantine and meditation became popular so quickly. Content creators in different platforms started to emphasize the importance of meditation and how we can get benefit to make ourselves relaxed while we are stuck in our homes. With the benefit of doubt, I tried to meditate. First, I didn’t know where to start and what method is the most benefical for me. I explored a Youtube channel that has meditation videos and started to apply them. In this videos, main focus was mostly concentrating on breathing and self-scanning. I have to admit that in the beginning I had a big difficulty to focus during the whole video. Then, I started to get bored and I could not achieve to maintain it. And I know that consistency is one of the most important thing in meditation to see the results. In brief, my first attemption was a failure.

After the first trials, I kept meditating in the times that I feel myself so overwhelmed and the times that I need to calm. For those times, meditation became my savior, but it wasn’t one of my habits. Two years later and approximately three months ago from now, I restarted and kept doing it regularly before sleep. Before restarting it, I had quite hard times and my mental health was really broken. I sort of had a little depression for about two months. Some day, it hit me that I can not continue to live like this and I have to find a way to move on. Just at the right time, I found peace in meditation. I also started to do the form of affirmation, which is repating the gratitude and intention sentences. It is quite interesting, but I saw the results immediately. I strongly believe the idea that “we become what we think”. Our brain literally tries to actualize our thougths. And I proved this with the results of my regular meditation. During the meditation, I only focused on the good thoughts and the things I want to happen in my life. Now, I really feel great and I became a more optimistic person. My life is going great and new opportunities always find me.

All of the things I told is not a magic or a miracle, I know. But since I started to change the way I am thinking and focus on my body and soul, I began to reliaze that we are the ones creating and shaping our lives. If your brain, your soul is healthy, you will be feeling yourself complete and in peace.

To conclude, there is no certain form for meditation. You can choose how to meditate on your own. You should find your own method and start to apply it. You don’t have to restrict yourself with some rules. In what way you feel yourself okay, you can continue to do it. Just begin to listen to your soul and spare yourself 10 minutes a day. You will see the difference.




Written by InsightfulEngineer

Curious about the world, Eager to learn, Industrial Engineering student, Explorer, Reader and Writer

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